WEBINAR – “Scenari di protesta e questioni di genere Le esperienze di Tunisia, Marocco, Turchia ed Egitto”
On Thursday, March 11, at 6:30pm we will discuss the impact of the protests of the past decade on gender issues in Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey and Egypt.
Link for registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xkq-KSWZRkeS-cyGiRXosQ
Chiara Maritato (Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Turino)
Clara della Valle (Ph.D. in “Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability”, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)
Giovanna Loccatelli (Journalist and essayist)
Lorena Stella Martini (Research Fellow at theSquare Centre and Advocacy & Communication Assistant at ECFR Rome)
Jacopo Franceschini (Research Coordinator at theSquare Centre)