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Correlation vs Causation | (dot)AI

Correlation vs Causation | (dot)AI

(dot)AI | A space by MATTIA FALDUTI Correlation VS Causation: the never ending battle. Thanks to the growing data availability, quantitive research approaches are becoming popular. Correlations between facts and […]

Moral Machine | (dot)AI

Moral Machine | (dot)AI

(dot)AI | A space by MATTIA FALDUTI Artificial Intelligence (AI) is created by humans. In many AI applications, decisions-making strategies have to be faced. Sometimes it can be very difficult. […]

The Age of AI | (dot)AI

The Age of AI | (dot)AI

(dot)AI | A space by MATTIA FALDUTI An algorithm can create art, take my job and change human bodies? Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation are impacting everywhere, directly or indirectly. […]

Ethics of Data: Populism and Deregulation

Ethics of Data: Populism and Deregulation

MATTIA FALDUTI COMMENTARY #7 • MAY 2019 Data science impacts relevant fields as Finance, Social Media, Commerce, Media and Politics. Particularly discussed are, for instance, targeting advertisement and personal interests’ analysis […]