The Voice of an Algerian Woman Who Took Part in the War of Independence | (dot)history

(dot)history | A space by SARA ZANOTTA
On 1st November 1954, the Algerian war of independence began and soon came to be considered as a symbol of anti-colonial struggle. As many other “revolutions”, also the Algerian one was characterized by the participation of women. As reported in “Women and Politics in Algeria from the War of Independence to Our Day” by Amrane-Minne and Abu-Haidar, about 11,000 women actively participated in the liberation of Algeria and carried out different tasks, ranging from being in charge of refuges and supplies to be nurse or planting bombs[1].
One of these women was interviewed by BBC almost one decade ago. However, this episode of the section “Witness History” still represents a valuable source to listen to the voice of a woman who risked her life in the war of independence, describing the conditions that pushed people to ask for the liberation and the different activities she carried out to promote the cause.
[1] D.D. Amrane-Minne, F. Abu-Haidar, “Women and Politics in Algeira from the War of Independence to Our Days”, in Research on African Literatures, Vol. 30, No. 3, 1999, pp. 62-63.